Necrim Admin replied

543 weeks ago

A few tips on making and using macros to combine skills.

To use an action with a macro you need to use the /ac command.
/ac "Fast Blade" <t>
/ac "Bloodbath" <me>
Set a icon for your newly created macro by using the icon command of the skill you want.
/micon "Circle of Scorn"
Using the /micon command shows the icon in which you wish to use along with the cooldown display.

Marking Targets
These can be used for marking targets changing out the numbers for 1-5.
/mk "attack1" <t> 
/mk "attack2" <t>
Can also use signs instead of numbers as well. In this example we use the cross, but can use one of the other enemy signs.
/mk "cross" <t>

Combining Macros
Some find it easier, especially when playing with a controller to put some skills into one macro like this.
/micon "Spirits Within"
/ac "Mercy Stroke" <t>
/ac "Spirits Within" <t>
With that command, you will always use whichever skill is ready. Just put the skills in the order of preference you would like to use.

***Here I will show a few examples for my PLD***
For targeting….
/micon "Shield Lob"
/mk "attack1" <t>
/ac "Shield Lob" <t>

Generating Enmity
/micon "Flash"
/ac "Flash" <me>
/wait 1
/ac "Circle of Scorn" <me>

My opening combo. This way I can use my opening skill and before the cooldown is ready for the next move in my combo, it will automatically use Fight or Flight if it is ready. I use a lot of macros like this for my tanking jobs as it makes things easier to keep my buffs up anytime they are ready.
/micon "Fast Blade"
/ac "Fast Blade" <t>
/wait 1.5
/ac "Fight or Flight" <me>

For those "Oh Crap" moments
With this I throw up two buffs. The first is to use Sentinel to reduce damage taken by %40, then throw up Convalescence that increases HP restored from spells or actions by %30. Makes your healers job a lot easier in those "I'm about to eat dirt" moments.
/micon "Sentinel"
/ac "Sentinel" <me>
/wait 1
/ac "Convalescence" <me>
***You could also substitute Rampart for Sentinel if your too low of a level to use Sentinel***

Item Sort
With the 2.1 patch. They added the item sort command. Here are a couple useful macros that I like really well.

/isort condition armoury category
/isort condition armoury lv asc
/isort condition armoury ilv asc
/isort condition armoury perception asc
/isort condition armoury gathering asc
/isort condition armoury control asc
/isort condition armoury craftsmanship asc
/isort execute armoury

/isort condition inventory category
/isort condition inventory lv asc
/isort condition inventory ilv asc
/isort condition inventory perception asc
/isort condition inventory gathering asc
/isort condition inventory control asc
/isort condition inventory craftsmanship asc
/isort execute inventory

Will add more later on if people are interested and feel free to post some of your own macros ^^

last edited 539 weeks ago by Necrim
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